Let's celebrate with some really dark images from the recent gig in Gothenburg.
torsdag 10 januari 2013
fredag 7 december 2012
tisdag 4 december 2012
måndag 3 december 2012
Finally we are getting there
Releasedate 31/12 2012:
TREPANERINGSRITUALEN “Ritualer, blot & botgöring” LP [SK01 / archivmaterial 39]
Ritualer, Blot & Botgöring is the vinyl re-release of Trepaneringsritualen’s first tape, originally issued on Harsh Head Rituals in 2008 in a tiny edition of 75 copies. All head-experiments contained herein work on quite simple and primitive levels in the good, old-fashioned industrial way, with less focus on layering and vocals. Suggestive hell-drones and slow grinding dungeon electronics with a concrete edge - toward the inevitable, lifeless end.
Collaboration release between the Swedish Strömkarlen and the German Verlautbarung labels. Edition of 250 copies in printed black and white sleeves.Image is the original tape cover.
onsdag 22 augusti 2012

Listen to it HERE.
söndag 5 augusti 2012
Right, now you can hear and/or buy both VEHM Time of violence and Pestdemon Vexations on our bandcamppage. http://stromkarlen.bandcamp.com/
torsdag 12 juli 2012
Now we also have a BigCartel shop stromkarlen.bigcartel.com/ We'll be adding more stuff in the future. I guess it is baby steps right now.
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